Welcome to BUZY Networks

Ubiquiti, TP-Link, Teltonika & more

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Proudly Australian Owned

December 2023

 Change is the only given.

Everything changes, over time.  UBQ STORE (and, prior to that, Ubiquiti Store Australia) are no more.  A while back, we announced a name change from Ubiquiti Store to UBQ STORE.  

So why change names again?

We’ve done a lot of thinking since then about how we can serve our visitors and customers better.  

BUZY NETWORKS was born from our desire to broaden the horizons of the hand-picked products and services we are currently offering.

We’ve been pretty much all Ubiquiti all the time for the past five years, and we’ll continue with our support of this world-leading brand.  

With a new name comes the opportunity to apply our philosophies and expand our current offerings to present more holistic solutions for your business network needs; and also focus more on the people part of networking as well.

As we march into 2024, we’ll be here at our new home on the web, with the same great service and an eye to an ever-brighter future.

Happy 2024 and Get BUZY with it!

Mike and the team


August 10th, 2023

Ubiquiti Store’s name is changing to UBQ STORE.  Different name, but the same mission that originally inspired us.

We’re one of the first dedicated “boutique” Ubiquiti stores in Australia, and have proudly loved and supported this brand since building our website in 2018.  And yes, our own business relies on Ubiquiti hardware.  We use daily what we sell! 

As a global brand, Ubiquiti have only grown at tremendous pace during these years.

The brand continues to change the landscape of networking in Australia, leaving behind memories of cluttered, poorly designed user interfaces, expensive software subscriptions. and “digital landscapes” peppered with multi-vendor madness.

Ubiquiti has changed networking forever, and it’s only just the beginning!

We have operated using the Ubiquiti name and website buzy.com.au since our inception.  With the good will of Ubiquiti Inc, of course, as well enjoying full support from our valued business partners in the local Australian supply chain.

Times change, but our relationship with this top-shelf brand will endure.  We don’t own the name Ubiquiti, and it is now time to forge a new identity, but still with the same old-fashioned service combined with the latest in networking technology.

As some things change, others won’t, like our commitment to spreading the word about the world-class products made by Ubiquiti.

Over the coming days and weeks, we’ll be making minor changes here and there as we adopt our new name – UBQ STORE as well as a new address at ubqstore.com.au.

Soon, all links to this domain you are now visiting, buzy.com.au, will continue to operate as before, but will direct you to our new address.

We hope you’ll continue to join us in this amazing journey toward better, safer, innovative networking technology, done only how Ubiquiti can – with style, flair and a solid foundation for building the best networks possible.

Thanks to all who have supported us over the past years.  We look forward to serving the needs of our customers, new and old, small or large, for a long time to come.

Mike and team

P.S. We are, and will always be, a proudly Australian family-owned company, established in 2000 and looking towards the future.


© 2025 BUZY Networks Australia. A division of Perth Technical Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. E&OE.