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Ubiquiti, TP-Link, Teltonika & more

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If you need support and you purchased your Ubiquiti product from this website, BUZY Networks, please visit the Contact & FAQ page to send us a message.

If you purchased your product from any other online retailer or at a physical shop, then we are not able to provide direct support.  If this is the case, please keep reading for alternate support options…

There are two ways Ubiquiti products can enter the local market. The first way is through an Authorised Aussie importer & distributor, who bring in the product and sells it to their authorised dealers – like us here at BUZY Networks.

The second way is through other companies or individuals who may import directly from overseas, and sell those products to you.  If this is so, the products may be, but not necessarily will be, “grey market”.  These product may be less expensive to purchase outright, but the seller may not have the infrastructure or high-quality customer support to offer in a warranty situation.

That wonderful old Roman saying… Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware) fits nicely here, and as a side note, we suggest checking with any seller and asking them if they supply through local official distribution channels.

We here at BUZY Networks, of course, only sell officially sourced products from a single local wholesale partner. Other sellers may not, as described above, and this is an important distinction.

What does all this mean about your Support Options?

Buying your Ubiquiti equipment from an authorised source entitles you to the following:

  • FREE support & configuration advice after the sale.
  • Access to the local team of highly qualified, Ubiquiti-trained engineers, who are the resident Aussie gurus.
  • Local RA (Return Authorisations) and Advance Replacements (we send you replacement products before we receive your item back, stock permitting).  This helps you get back up and running much faster.

If the product you bought wasn’t sourced from this website, we regrettably can’t offer these benefits.  However, don’t give up!  Simply ask the place you bought your gear from if they also work with an official Australian partner.  If so, all the benefits above should also be available to you via the original seller.

Bought your Product here from BUZY Networks?

We are committed to customer service and the rapid resolution of warranty claims and returns.   To assist in resolving warranty claims in the quickest possible time, we arrange Advanced Replacements whenever possible (stocks permitting).

If you bought your Ubiquiti gear from us, please dig out your BUZY Networks order number and/or equipment serial number, and head over to our BUZY Networks Warranty Centre, where you will find an online form to begin the process.  Note: a free BUZY Networks account is required.

Got your Ubiquiti-branded Goodies Elsewhere?

If not sourced through a local Aussie distributor (we suggest you always ask the company or person you bought your gear from before purchasing to know this important fact), then we regrettably can’t offer support.

We’re happy to share the following information below, however, as we want everyone to get the best experience from the brand we love, and also to help you get the support you justly deserve.

Option 1: Contact the Original Place of Purchase

We advise you to get in touch with the company you bought your products from and get help directly though their support system.

Option 2: Go to the Official Ubiquiti Help and Support page

You can raise a support ticket with the international help desk by following this link – https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.  Note that Ubiquiti’s official support is of high quality, and their support staff are highly trained.  Support is performed offshore, and they are responsive and professional.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to serve you again, or at some time in the future.

© 2025 BUZY Networks Australia. A division of Perth Technical Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. E&OE.